Tackling the topic of aging wine can be harrowing from afar, and mundane at its worst. Of all the processes that grapes are subjected to in the winemaking experience, this one can be one of the touchiest. Realistically, grapes spend more time in this phase of their development than any other. There are thus, two ways with which to dissect this topic, from the perspective of a blind taster - where we’re looking at how to analyze flavor to figure out which method of aging the wine was subjected to - or from an informational outlook, where one presents the causes first and effects later. The latter seems to be more beneficial, as it’s a much more brief and to-the-point approach, and does not involve assuming what sort of wine you may have in front of you at any given point.
Aging Vessels: Oak, Cooperage, and Flavor
Updated: Jan 27, 2023